Coronavirus Crisis Response Update:
Phase 2

We have completed Phase 2 of our Coronavirus Emergency Fund Campaign, thanks to our incredible donors who have continued to support our work helping children in need during this difficult time. Learn more about the impact this campaign has had on our supported sites in Haiti, Guatemala, Kenya and Tanzania.

An Update from Living Water Children's Fund

Situations are changing from day to day, both at home in the US and abroad at the Living Water Children’s Fund supported sites. The global coronavirus pandemic continues to rage on and impact the lives of the children we work to support. Thanks to our generous donors and funders, our amazing administrative team, and our partners on the ground, we have been able to continue to provide support to some of the children who need it most. 


In July 2020, our Phase 2 disbursements from LWCF’s Coronavirus Emergency Fund were released to sites in Guatemala, Haiti, Tanzania and Kenya, totaling a second $5,000 round of donations. These funds have been used to provide basic support such as staple foods, hygiene kits and school supplies for home learning for children and families living in the communities of the projects and programs we support and sponsor, directly impacting hundreds of families in 4 countries.


It truly takes a village, and our village has stepped up time and time again. From our incredible donors and sponsors, to grant support from The Seattle Foundation, we appreciate everyone who has helped make this support possible…YOU are the village! Your donations mean more than just numbers. They help to keep empty bellies full, young minds educated, and the hearts of children remain joyful. Over the last two months, we have been receiving photos and updates from all of the sites, which we proudly share with you.


“With all the chaos going on in the world, the most vulnerable are often the first to be forgotten. Thank you for the work you continue to do advocating for those who need it most…

On behalf of our team and all those we are serving at the Cadanino community centers, thank you again for your help and support in providing funds to purchase much needed food during the Covid-19 crisis.

The funds were used to purchase beans, rice and maseca in bulk and each family received approximately 5 lbs of beans, 5lbs of rice and 5 lbs of maseca this month.

By keeping families fed, we are keeping families together.

-Tim Martiny, Cadaniño, Guatemala

Make a Difference, Donate Today

Some of the Living Water supported sites are back in school, some are still under lockdown. Some are serving meals and distributing staple foods to keep children and families fed while parents are out of work. Some are providing home-based educational activities so that the students can continue to learn. Every site that Living Water Children’s Fund supports has its own needs, all striving to provide for their communities in the face of an uncertain future, and keep the children they serve healthy, safe and happy. Thanks to them, and to the generosity of our donors, we are able to continue to be a part of this effort, making an impact of the lives of children in need. Thank you to all who have helped make this possible, we are grateful for you!

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