Coronavirus Crisis Response Update

In April 2020, over $5,000 in funds were raised and distributed to 12 sites in 4 counties. Read about our impact so far and donate to help us make a difference.

An Update from Living Water Children's Fund

Spring 2020

While the LWCF core team remains healthy and safe at home, with access to resources like food and clean water, we are continuing to monitor and respond the increasingly dire need of the children we support around the world as the coronavirus crisis continues to unfold. For many of our supported children, the closure of schools and centres where they live and lockdown orders has resulted in additional worries of food insecurity and lack of access to basic resources like clean water and health and safety supplies. Food insecurity is on the rise and in some areas has resulted in chaos and ever increasing instability.



We are continuing to stay in close contact with our team members, partners and collaborators on the ground to keep informed about the welfare of our team and our children, as well as the conditions in countries where Living Water Children live, Kenya, Tanzania, Myanmar, Guatemala, and Haiti. We continue to work with them to procure and distribute some of the needed resources, especially food, in an effective and safe manner.

Distribution of food to families (12)




Living Water Children’s Fund remains committed to meeting the basic needs of the Living Water Children around the world. We have temporarily turned our efforts to providing emergency food supplies to the orphanages we support, and as funds continue to become available, to the families of children who attend Living Water supported schools and programs. The need is great everywhere, and is growing with each passing day.

Make a difference in the life of a child, click here to donate to our Emergency Food Relief Fundraiser

We thank all who have donated so far, as well as our sponsors, regular supporters and donors for continuing their generous support during this time. We have already raised over $7,000 in funds through this campaign, and have begun to distribute them for the food and supplies so desperately needed by the children in Living Water Children’s Fund supported programs and initiatives.




In Phase One of LWCF’s emergency fund, we raised over $5000 in donations which was distributed to 12 different LWCF supported and partner projects in 4 different countries. These donations helped to meet needs for staple foods and supplies identified by on-site team members. We will continue fundraising to meet the needs of more children and families from each of these programs, projects and initiatives.


  • Cada Niño – Food, face masks, Tylenol, gloves and soap
  • Casa Guatemala – Food
  • Fundaniños – Food, hygiene and sanitization supplies
  • PAGES – Food, hand sanitizer, liquid soap


  • Pazapa – Food, bucket for hand washing, homemade reusable face masks (made at Pazapa), hygiene and sanitization supplies, immmune boosting kit.
  • Sakala – Food via weekend evening meals for approximately 300 people per weekend.


  • Bishop Kamau Girls’ High School – Food
  • Dorothy Schwartz Community Centre – Food, student transportation from secondary boarding school


  • Joann McManus School – Food, sanitizer, soap, gloves, face masks
  • Living Water Children’s Centre – Food
  • Sherry Fine Academy – Food, face masks, educational material

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