Welcome Maison Rose and Ecole Rivage to the LWCF Family!
Learn more about LWCF’s newest supported projects in Haiti.

by Maria Iorillo, Living Water Children's Fund BOD Member
Fall 2024 Newsletter Update
Let me introduce myself first! My name is Maria Iorillo and I live in San Francisco. I am a new board member, retired midwife, and former volunteer in Haiti. Through my work in Haiti teaching midwifery, I was introduced to two young men working hard for children in the Central Plateau. A young father named Mitial was trying to support an orphanage of 20 children, brick by brick. Another young man, Gampson, was trying to support a local school of about 200 children in the poorest part of town. Over the years, we got to know these two young, courageous men, bringing school supplies, clothes, baby clothes, money, backpacks, whatever we could for the children.

When Mitial met Sherry over the Internet, he asked me to tell Sherry about him and Maison Rose, his orphanage. I was happy to share what I had witnessed – a hard working young man, trying to beat the odds for children in his community. As I was speaking to Sherry for the first time and learning about Living Water Children’s Fund, I was excited to introduce her to Gampson as well. Gampson is another fighter, trying against all odds to provide an education to the children in his neighborhood at Ecole Rivage.
I am happy to report that we have welcomed both the orphanage and this school into our LWCF family. We are providing monthly stipends to both through the generous donations of our donors. We have helped them buy shoes, chalk, notebooks, and food as well as supporting the teachers. The ongoing devastation in Haiti is horrific as the most innocent suffer from lack of education, safety and fundamental living supplies. LWCF is truly supplying a lifeline to these two well-deserving projects.

Every child deserves a chance ❤️
Thanks to generous donations Living Water Children’s Fund has been able to help meet the needs of children through several projects in Haiti.
Please consider donating to support our Haiti projects. Any gift, big or small, helps us on our mission to make sure children have their basic needs met so that they may flourish and grow.