Stories of Success - Spotlight on Joseph
Learn about the incredible story of Joseph, whose life took a significant turn when he was given access to education, friends and new family who believed in him.

by Sue Abrams, Living Water Children's Fund BOD Member
Fall 2024 Newsletter Update
Over several years, the Kimaros at Living Water Children’s Centre in Arusha, Tanzania have given children a second chance at an education and an extended family. Their goal has always been to give the children a direction in life so they can provide for themselves and have a career that will support them. The students have been offered programs and workshops to help them make some of those determinations. Do they want to continue on to university; is a certification program a better fit; is returning to their communities to farm what they choose? The goal is the same, whether it’s further education or working the land: a future that does not repeat their past.
Several of the children have decided that additional education is the answer for them and they have gone on to certificate programs and university. Currently there are students matriculating at universities in Mwanza, Dodoma, Arusha and Dar es Salaam. One student has overcome more obstacles than most of us can imagine.
Joseph came to Living Water as a young child. The victim of several birth defects, he was missing fully developed arms and one leg ended at the thigh. Unable to work in the fields or with the animals, his village had discarded him. Fortunately, a neighbor rescued him and brought him to Living Water, where his story took a significant turn. He had access to education, friends and new family who believed in him.

Photos of Joseph in 2009, 2015, 2024. The 2024 photo includes Adelina, another student from Living Water who attends university with Joseph, along with a friend who has been helping Joseph navigate some of the challenges at the university.
It didn’t take long for Joseph to amaze everyone with his determinations. He maximized the use of the small fingers at the top of his shortened arms, learning to manipulate a pencil and write, playing soccer and generally integrating into his environment. He overcame each obstacle as it appeared, supported by LWCFund, the Kimaros and the friends he grew up with at Living Water Children’s Center. Several LWCFund board members have had the privilege to watch him grow up into an engaging, outgoing young man who is now a student at the university in Mwanza. His determination has never wavered, and he is on his way to a fully independent life as a journalist. That definitely would look very different without Living Water Children’s Center and support from Living Water Children’s Fund. Goal achieved – his future looks nothing like his past!
Every child deserves a chance ❤️
Thanks to generous donations Living Water Children’s Fund has been able to help children in difficult circumstances like Joseph to receive the medical care and education they need.
Please consider donating to support other students at LWCC, as any gift, big or small, helps us on our mission to make sure children have their basic needs met so that they may flourish and grow.