A Message from our director
Grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I cannot change, the courage to CHANGE the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.

December 16, 2023
Dear supporters of Living Water Children’s Fund,
As much as I’d like this end-of-the-year letter to be full of glad tidings, this has been a year of the unthinkable…children slaughtered by the thousands…children worldwide are the innocent victims of poverty, war, violence, and political injustice.

The serenity prayer reads:
Grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I cannot change, the courage to CHANGE the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.
The Board of Living Water Children’s Fund (LWCF) has demonstrated the courage to CHANGE THE THINGS WE CAN. The accomplishments of LWCF include providing scholarships to deserving children, many once homeless and living on the street, and others living in extreme poverty. We see the fruits of our labor of love, as these youngsters continue to perform above and beyond expectations. We have been at this for so long that some of the adorable kindergarteners we first met are now going on to study at universities! We continue to provide funds for playgrounds, school supplies, shoes, medical necessities, and emergencies. We have reached out to help children in war-torn Ukraine and provided psychological support and tablets to numerous children in bombed-out areas. We are fortunate to work with other outstanding nonprofit organizations, and our combined efforts bring greater opportunities to children in need. Please explore this website documenting the projects we support in Guatemala, Kenya, Tanzania, Ukraine, Haiti, and Myanmar, and check out our featured projects on our quarterly newsletter (click the button below to subscribe).

We are proud that all overhead payments of LWCF are covered by a generous donor, so we can guarantee that 100% of every donation you make goes directly to support a needy child. When making your donation, please feel free to specify a particular project or country.
Special thanks to the board of LWCF, Aryeh, Arsha, Barbara, Dennise, Dorothy, Elyse, Peggy, Mote, and Sue, a group of compassionate, generous, and committed individuals who volunteer many hours of their time because they are CHANGING THE THINGS THEY CAN. You can be part of that change! Please join us in supporting some of the world’s neediest children.
Sherry Fine, Director LWCF

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Your support can change lives. With your donations, the Living Water Children’s Fund continues to make a lasting impact on vulnerable children in Tanzania and our other sites throughout the world. Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to creating a brighter future for these deserving children.