Reporting Back – Stories of Success from Kenya

By Dorothy Schwartz, BOD member

Joseph, one of the DSCC graduating primary students hoping for a sponsor for secondary school in 2020

A major objective on our recent visit to DSCC was to meet the 39 students in the final form of primary school; all these students take the Kenyan national exams in November which must be passed satisfactorily to proceed to secondary school (equivalent to high school in the USA). Students who do well are accepted into competitive secondary schools; while academically the students qualify, these students and their families are unable to pay for tuition and books. LWCFund has  a sponsorship program so these students can attend. Attached are photos of some of the students whom we interviewed. All students we spoke to are eager to continue on to secondary school and many said their favorite subjects are math and science. One student dreamed of being a neurosurgeon; others wanted to be teachers, nurses, soldiers fighting terrorism, and lawyers. One stated she feels passionate about helping her family. We welcome sponsors for these children.

Sandra, a DSCC sponsored student currently attending Lwanya Girls School.

A second objective was to visit some of the secondary schools which our sponsored students attend, many of which are an 8 hour drive away from DSCC. We visited Butula Boys School, a top National School in Kenya. We have two top performing students at this school: Fadhili and Victor. They are pictured below in pink uniform shirts. The Headmaster told us that our sponsored students are scoring at the top of their classes. We visited Sigalame School where our sponsored student Wanyama is a top performer in mathematics. He is pictured in the green shirt saying King of Mathematics, which he earned with his performance. When we visited Lwanya Girls School, Sandra, our sponsored student had a surprise for us: she sang a greeting; she wants to pursue music. She is pictured here in the white shirt.

We left the secondary schools feeling very proud of the accomplishments of our sponsored students, made possible by their generous sponsors.

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